
Modern Business Black

Teck Stack:
WordPress, Elementor.
Website sections:
– Hero section.
– Features.
– About.
– Services.
– FAQs.
– Contact.
Specials elements:
– Animated arrow in the hero section.
– fade in from the right for the cards in the features section.
– Horizontal animation on scrolling for the image in the About section.
– Collapse element which presents The Missions, Visions, and values in the About section.
– Animated arrow in the Services section.
– Slider for the cards in the Services section.
– Horizontal animation on scrolling for the image in the FAQs section.
– Collapse element in the FAQs section.
– fade in right for the form in the contact us section.
– fixed header.
– fully responsive website.
– scroll top button which is fixed on the bottom right side of the page.
Open chat
If you need help, chat with us on whatsapp