
Business Consulting Brown

Teck stack:
WordPress, Elementor.

Website sections:
– Hero section.
– Features.
– About us.
– Services.
– partners.
– testimonials.
– Contact us.

Special Elements:
– fade in left animation for the texts in the hero section.
– fade-right animation for the title and cards in the features section, plus guardian effects when you hover over the cards.
– fade in left animation for the text in the about us section.
– fade-down animation for the title in the services section, and gradient effects when hovering on the cards.
– slide in left for the partner’s cards.
– testimonials slider.
– slide-right animation for the contact us form and title.
– sticky header (on scroll).
– the menu on the mobile and tablet will slide in from the left side of the website (to give you a similar feeling of using an app).

Open chat
If you need help, chat with us on whatsapp