
Our Works

Take a closer look at our creative designs. Its unique, modern,
and high-quality designs made for you.

Our Works

Take a closer look at our creative designs. Its unique, modern,
and high-quality designsmade for you.

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Your complete template is on step away from you

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Tailwind CSS.

Special elements: - slide from left animation for the text in the hero section and bounce in for the stars and circles in the Hero section. - fade in left and right for the text in the About section. - fade to the left for the cards in the Features section. - slide from left for the cards in the Features section. - the cards change the border color and rise up on hover in the Feature section. - fade in up for the cards in the Services section. - the cards change the border color and there is a line that becomes full width and the card itself rises up on hover in the Services section. - fade in up for the cards in the Team section. - the cards change the border color and rise up on hover in the Team section. - fade from the right for the question in the FAQs section. - fade from the right for the forms in the Contact section. - the website is fully responsive.

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Tailwind CSS.

Special elements: - slide from left animation for the text in the hero section. - fade in for the image in the hero section. - slide down animation for the text in the features section. - slide from left for the cards in the features section. - slide down for the text in the About section. - slide in from left and right for the text and images in the "Who we are" and "Mission, Vision, Values" sections. - slide down for the text in the services section. - slide from left for the cards in the services section. - slide down for the text in the testimonials section. - slider element for the testimonials. - slide in from the right for the testimonials slider. - slide down and left for the text in the partner's section. - slide down and right for the text in the contact section. - fully responsive website.

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Specials elements: - Animated arrow in the hero section. - fade in from the right for the cards in the features section. - Horizontal animation on scrolling for the image in the About section. - Collapse element which presents The Missions, Visions, and values in the About section. - Animated arrow in the Services section. - Slider for the cards in the Services section. - Horizontal animation on scrolling for the image in the FAQs section. - Collapse element in the FAQs section. - fade in right for the form in the contact us section. - fixed header. - fully responsive website. - scroll top button which is fixed on the bottom right side of the page.

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Specials element: - fade in down for the button in the Hero section. - Typing text animation in the Hero section. - fade in up for the cards in the feature section. - the cards in the feature section changed their color on hover. - fade in down for the title in the services section. - the cards in the services section changed their color on hover. - fade in left for the text in the About section. - fade in down for the title in the testimonials section. - testimonials slider elements. - fade in down for the title in the partner section. - the cards in the partner section changed their color on hover. - fade in down for the title in the certificates section. - the information is shown on hover on the cards in the certificates section. - the contact section is shown from the left in an advanced animation. - fixed header. - responsive website.

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Specials elements: - fade in down and up for the text in the hero section. - social media element in the hero section which fades out left on scrolling. - fade in down for the title in the features section. - fade in left for the features. - the images in the services cards scale up on hover. - fade in left for the text in the About section. - fade in down for the title in our team section. - the team person details show up on hover. - fade in down for the title in our partner section. - the partner's details show up from left and right on scrolling. - fade in up for the text and forms in the contact us section. - sticky header. - responsive website

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Special elements: - Background video in the hero section. - fade in left for the text in the hero section. - the images in the About section go against each other on scrolling. - fade in down and up for the text in the services section. - fade in animation for the cards in the services section, and the cards changed their color on hover. - fade in left for the text in the testimonial section. - fade in right for the testimonials with a progress bar. - fade in right for the text in the Business screenshots template. - a gallery that contains images for the company. - fade in left for the cards in the partner's section and the cards changed their color on hover. - fade in right for the form in the contact us section. - scroll top button, fixed in the bottom right side of the website.

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