
Our Works

Take a closer look at our creative designs. Its unique, modern,
and high-quality designs made for you.

Our Works

Take a closer look at our creative designs. Its unique, modern,
and high-quality designsmade for you.

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Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Special Elements: - fade in left animation for the texts in the hero section. - animated image in the hero section. - arrow beside the title in the feature section which down depending on scrolling. - the cards in the feature section show a pink shadow on hover. - fade in left for the cards in the feature section and animated icons inside the cards. - arrow beside the title in the About section which down depending on scrolling. - tabs element in the About section that provides information about missions, values, and vision. - fade in down for the tabs element in the About section. - arrow beside the title in the Services section which down depending on scrolling. - fade in left for the cards in the services section. - the cards in the services section have an animated background and animated icon and also show up a pink shadow on hover. - fade in left for the text in the FAQs section. - fade in right for the question in the FAQs section, and the first question is still active. - fade in right for the text in the Why choose us section. - animated image in the Why choose us section. - face in down for the form in the contact us section. - animated bobbles along the page. - sticky header. - responsive website.

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Special elements: - fade in left animation for the text in the hero section. - an animated image in the hero section which still moving slowly with a loop animation. - an animated element under the header section which rotates while scrolling. - the cards in the feature section go up and down on the scroll. - fade in right animation for the texts in the about us section. - tabs element in the about us section. - an animated image in the About section which still moving slowly with a loop animation. - the cards in the services section take their places on the scroll. - Testimonials slider. - fade in left animation for the texts in the testimonials section. - horizontal scroll animation for the cards in the partner's section. - sticky header. - the menu on the mobile and tablet will slide in from the left side of the website (to give you a similar feeling to using an app).

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Special Elements: - mouse tracker animation of the image in the hero section. - fade in animation of the image in the hero section when the page is loaded. - the balls in the hero image start moving on the scroll. - fade-left animation for the text in the hero section. - the cards in the services section changing color and adding shadows on the icon on hover. - there are two balls in the services section that still goes up and down on scrolling. - fad-right animation for the texts in the About section. - There are two images in the About section which still go up and down on scrolling. - in the About section, the circle image which is filled with dots still fixed on the top left side of the images, on the other hand, the rectangle image which is filled with dots still fixed on the bottom right side of the images. - fade-down animation for the title and the text in the testimonial section. - testimonials slider, each slider contains an image, name, job title, and description. - fade-down animation for the title and the text in the FAQs section. - Accordion FAQs, the first question is still active (expanding). - two balls on the left and the right of the FAQs section which still goes up and down on scrolling. - fade in left animation for the partner names and descriptions. - the image in the contact us section goes left and right on scrolling. - sticky header on scroll. - the menu on the mobile and tablet will slide in from the left side of the website (to give you a similar feeling of using an app).

Teck Stack:

WordPress, Elementor.

Special Elements: - fade in left animation for the texts in the hero section. - fade-right animation for the title and cards in the features section, plus guardian effects when you hover over the cards. - fade in left animation for the text in the about us section. - fade-down animation for the title in the services section, and gradient effects when hovering on the cards. - slide in left for the partner's cards. - testimonials slider. - slide-right animation for the contact us form and title. - sticky header (on scroll). - the menu on the mobile and tablet will slide in from the left side of the website (to give you a similar feeling of using an app).

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